Last week, I put up a post on how to cook
Okonomiyaki. As I had 1/2 a bag of flour left, I decided to finish it before the horrible weevils find their way to that bag of floor, especially in this damp weather. This time, I replaced the mushrooms with a little white squid and small prawns. Maybe I didn't add enough squid and prawns as I could not really taste that much of a difference, except the little bit more chewy when I bit into the squid. I think I will stick to the mushrooms the next time. Healthy and cheaper :D

Top tray : Okinomiyaki with squid and prawns
Lower tray : White rice with a sprinkling of the yummy nori bits, bonito flakes and some leftover egg furikake.
Right tray : Lovely seedless grapes
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nancy jie...looks yummy ler :) , i also want to try to make this okonomiyaki hehehe
hi sue mei mei.. long time no chat hor.. been having internet connection problem.. the cable snapped and there is nobody to fix it :(. you must try the okinomiyaki.. it is very yummy leh :D
Nancy !!! been phoning you forever, cannot get thru leh. u change your number ar? Call me?
You know, if you put dried chili in your rice barrel, the weevils wont breed.
oh, I love squids !
hi christene. so very sorry about the phone. din't change number but i think my phone is faulty. it keeps shutting itself off. a thousand apologies
My fav Squid!
I shall go learn how to cook Jap Foods also. =)
haha.. jerome.. next year is only 2 months away :p.
nancy jie...the earlier msg was sent to u when i was in hanoi,stuck in my hotel room coz it was raining like cats n dogs,very 'chamz' hahaa
good to have you back sue mei mei... must tell me all abt your Hanoi trip when we have our next chat moment :D
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