Went over to the Japanese Store at Mid Valley The Garden again over the weekend and bought a few cool stuff. I hope I still have the packet at home as I forgot to take a photo of the bag. It was a sushi rice mix, I think the bag only had Japanese words on it. The little white sticker with the few English words on it had quite a lot of things on it... including carrots, vinegar, etc etc. I must really go back and retrieve that bag soon, if I have not already thrown it away.
Anyway, I made a simple bento for lunch using whatever that was in the fridge. I noticed that I have been bento-ing more than I have been baking.... oh, I do miss baking... but bento-ing is fun and it is quick and simple too :).
I have also started discussing a new project I have in mind with my dear bento blogging friend Pat of Bento Pet. Hope to see my proposed project take off soon. And thank you very much Pat, for giving me the time and keeping an open mind on this (hopefully NOT) a hare brain scheme of mine. Keeping fingers and toes crossed.
Technorati Tags:bento
Generated By Technorati Tag GeneratorTop tray : Short grain rice with the delicious pre-mix that came complete even with the nori bits for garnishing and 2 sausages (steamed)
Bottom tray : Quail eggs (bought a rabbit craft cutter from MPH bookstore MidValley but the sumo were cut free-hand - notice how untidy they are heehee), cucumbers, crab sticks and grapes.
oh we love the little sumos!! Haha...so cute! :p
Oh my! Those are too cute. Thanks for sharing - I'm looking for inspiration myself since I'm new to bento making.
Wah lovely!
Btw, how's your diet coming along? Tsk tsk..hehe
supes: g'morning dear supes. I like the sumos too, esply inside my tummy heehee
bento: thank you for dropping in. hope you don't mind me linking you up as my bento friends :D
che-cheh: hi hi.. the diet is coming along great.. i am planning a new regime, complete with diet plans and simple physical routines that will not burn a hole in the wallet, but burn up the fats.. watch this space or i might start a new blog too :D
nancy jie...u got time to make cutie bento in the morning, salute hahaha
hi Sue mei mei.. all these are thanks to my super duper Pressure Cooker.. cooking has never been faster teehee
wow great to have drop by your blog, you got lovely and lots of varieties of bento! so cool
check out my bakes too, www.bigboysoven.blogspot.com
hi big boys oven. Thank you for stopping by and the sweet comment :D..oh, btw, I have been subcribing to all BB blogs.. BB Oven, BB Recipe, BB Kitchen for many months liow ... and love all of them. Cheers.
Those sumo-s looks good to me. Love the squinty eyes on the sumo ! haha !
heehee.. the sumo-s actually quite pathetic.. coz had to borrow eyes from the rabbit :(.. must really go get more craft cutters soon
wow, the egg is lovely.
hi nicolina. thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment. hugs!
I think your sumo are really cute. :)
hello WokkingMum. thank you for dropping in and leaving a comment. i love both your blogs.. have subscribed to both of them on my Google Reader :D
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