Normally I will just add some vegetables, a little meat (like left over chicken or duck from dinner) or half an egg into the ramen. This was what I had for lunch.

After eating that nice lunch, I decided to go check my email and I received an email from an old friend from University. He sent me a mail entitled " Beware! If you love Ramen". His email read "Sorry guys. Have to send to you so many negative news concerning foodstuff these days. Pretty soon, I'll run out of things to eat."
This was his email to me.... "Beware! If You Like Ramen"....was rather scary. I didn't want to post the pictures here as I don't think it is right to spoil people's appetite for Ramen. But if you want to have a look at what the email has to say, then click here at my other blog to have a look.
I know the packet of Ramen that I bought and cooked was manufactured in Hong Kong, China but I don't think I will throw away the last 2 packets. I am sure my body can handle it :D But I might not want to buy any more after this until I do a bit more research (coward me).
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nancy jie...so scary meh har?i love this ramen too wor...hahaha
hi hi.. scary hor.. but no choice lor.. so many things could be contaminated.. but as long as we eat in moderation, i suppose it is ok..hor??
"chu qian yi ding" brand is very delicious, especially the seafood flavor, which I don't manage to find now a days. Hmm...yes, I saw the email circulation on what ingredients the manufacturer use to make ramen.
Little Inbox : thank you for dropping in and leaving a comment :D. The "chu quan yi ding" brand is an important brand? i don't think i have tried it before or could they have changed the name?
i also like ramen. ini macam hor, got to stop eating it for awhile first.
hi nancy...yeah, i received d same email too & as coward as u r, i was kinda step back a little too with these instant noodles but it maybe for a while only, then we'll forget abt d episode totally & start eating again!! d worst thg is, my boys love these noodles a lot...dang sei mou??
erina: i think maybe it is best to either eat very much less or in moderation :D
jacss: haha.. agree totally with you.. people have very short memories :( and the worse thing is, these noodles are actually very nice alternatives to boring rice haha
haiyoh..isn't it disconcerting how many food item in China turn out to be unconsumable? fake eggs, luncheon meat, dairy products n chocolates, ramen, mandarin oranges...sigh..what is the world coming to?
yeah lor allthingspurple. i think soon, those privileged people who live on landed properties will have to grow their own food.
"chu qian yi ding" = CQYD, the same brand as shown in your photo. :)
hahaha Little inbox.. shows what a dumb dumb I am not to have realized that :D
I also love ramen! The link from your friend shows a ramen made from China, not Japan. So I suggest buying packs from Japan. Or you should atleast familiarize yourselves with Japanese and Chinese characters.
you've got a point there foods. i think i will do as you have suggested :D.. thanks for the comment.
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