There were so much great food to eat over the festive period just past and before I get into the Chilled Oreo Cheese Cake, I have to show you the beautiful Peach Cheese Cake that my niece-in-law brought over during the Chinese New Year celebs. Yah, she is the same one who did the Little Moo Moos thingy :). I am still waiting for her recipe for this cheese cake as she did this one without eggs and with a hint of some sort of liqueur. If I am lucky, I might get it before the year is up haha.. coz we don't really get to see each other that often.. only during cny.

After that cake, I was truly inspired to try to do one myself and since it was Nick's birthday on the 27th of January, I said.. what better reason to do one. So, went to dig up my recipe books and came across one which had the basic ingredients for the cake. Did a little bit of improvisation (as I always need to do since I am such a bad planner, I don't always have enough of everything that the recipe calls for) and wallah, I got a pretty presentable Chilled Oreo Cheese Cake.
120 gms of Oreo Biscuits without the cream inside (I used 60gm of Oreos and 60g of Digestive Biscuits as I only had 1 tube of Oreos)
60 gms of butter, softened at room temperature
1) Using a double boiler, cook
- 2 egg yolks
- 150 gms sugar (reduced to 120 gm if you desire a less sweet cake)
- 160 gms milk
3) 250 gm of cream cheese
4) 250 gm of double cream (lightly whipped)
5) 2 pieces of Oreo Biscuits with the cream fillings. Put in through a blender so that when mixed with the cream cheese mixture, the Oreo black spots are seen.
6) 1/2 tbsp of lemon juice
- Combined the crushed biscuit crumbs and the melted butter into a base of a 9inch loose base pan. Leave in the fridge to chill.
- Beat cream cheese until smooth and then add all the rest of the ingredients.
- Pour the mixture into the chilled biscuit base and return the cake into the fridge for 3 hours or overnight.
Cut 4 of them into halves and decorate all round the cake. Have one whole Oreo for the middle. The 6th piece is a spare, in case whilst cutting the Oreo's into halves, you break any. But if you didn't need to use the 6th piece, then put it into you mouth and savour the goodness of a delicious Oreo's Biscuit...mmmmm....

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